Saturday, December 6, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Random Post
Friday, November 7, 2008
Post-Kpop-Nite Syndrome
I want nobody, no-body but choo(but you)...
I want nobody, no-body but choo(but you)...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Kpop Nite is *10jeom Manjeome 10jeom!
(simply translated - 10 out of 10 points)

Thanks to this sponsor and others for bringing Kpop to Singapore.

My sis and I were the first few early birds there.

The stage, tadaaaa!

And this is probably just one of the crazy Kpop fan.
Loved the atmosphere during the concert. It was great. Almost everyone cheered, waved/whacked balloon sticks or screamed their heads off. Even little known artists received the same reception from the audience. It was worth every dollars and cents (just 200 actually and a 2yr contract with Singtel. hoho!) plus I need not travel to Korea to experience a fraction of the Korean culture.
Oh speaking of which, Bee, I changed number already hor. Take note.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
she has a date with me on the 4th. we're so going to see my namjas, Jinnie and ND, perform at SIS. not forgetting, 2pm and KJW. looking forward to seeing WGs and Jewelry. arrgghhh! can't wait for it. come back quick dear sis! we have to practise the cheers.
hope that night will turn out great. 10jeom manjeome 10jeom!
Just a reminder to myself. Yatie, read this!
The frail old man
A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year-old grandson. The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table.
But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth.
The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess. "We must do something about Grandfather," said the son. "I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor." So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner.
There Grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner.
Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl. When the family glanced in Grandfather's direction, sometimes he had a tear in his eye as he sat alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food.
The four-year-old watched it all in silence. One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. he asked the child sweetly, "What are you making?" Just as sweetly, the boy responded, "Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and Mama to eat your food in when I grow up."
The four-year-old smiled and went back to work. The words so struck the parents that they were speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks. Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done.
That evening the husband took Grandfather's hand and gently led him back to the family table. For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the family. And for some reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled.
Children are remarkably perceptive. Their eyes ever observe, their ears ever listen, and their minds ever process the messages they absorb. If they see us patiently provide a happy home atmosphere for family members, they will imitate that attitude for the rest of their lives. The wise parent realizes that every day the building blocks are being laid for the child's future.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
5 September / 5 Ramadan
Monday, September 1, 2008
Ramadan 1
too many bad deeds
too many wrongdoings
too many wrong sayings
just too many of them...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Hong Gil Dong (2008)
Will be reporting myself to a school near my area tomorrow. They are expecting me at noon. Hello Work! I can kiss my tai-tai-like life goodbye.

Just finished watching another Korean drama called Hong Gil Dong (HGD). HGD is like the Korean version of Robin Hood with a tinge of historical events during the Joseon Dynasty. I mentioned earlier that I'm not so much into K-Drama because of their predictable storylines. But when I do watch, it has to be the nicer of the nicest drama available online. Oh boy, I laughed hard in the earlier parts and cried terribly at the peak of its storyline. Thanks to VeohTV, Mysoju, Crunchyroll and to those who worked so hard to sub the shows. 고마워요
What does this drama mean to me?
If KAng Ji Hwan (HGD) says that it is like bibimbap (Korean veggie mix on rice), then this drama, to me, is like Rojak. It has a mix of everything nice in it like good storyline and good acting.
The ending sucks?
I am very satisfied with the writers' decision to end this 24-episode drama with an appropriate vague finishing. One of the final scenes showed the remaining survivors of the Hwal Bin Dang(Robin Hood-like bandits and loyal HGD supporters) members with HGD at their last line of defense getting ready against the attack from the new King's army; hundreds of fire-arrows flew into the night-sky and rained on the Hwal Bin Dang.
Most Unforgettable Scenes
The next scene showed the badly burnt Hwal Bin Dang sanctuary which symbolized its defeat and the end of Hwal Bin Dang. I'm so glad there were no dead bodies shown or the heartbreaking scene would have me cried buckets.
The owners of these beautiful plants may have "died" but their legend lives on.
The very final scene was HGD standing on a rooftop of a building in which invited speculations if he could had somehow escaped the confrontation?
I believe HGD "never died" because HGD is just a fictitious character who will fight the system for the good of the people. Because of the deep impressions of his idealisms and actions that he left us with, decades and centuries later, others like HGD will continue to exist everywhere and will continue to battle inequalities, having and wanting to change the world for the better in whatever ways appropriate.
I enjoyed watching this drama so much and I'm going to give it a rating.
Hong Gil Dong(2008) Rating :
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Qantas Blast
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Ok, so what kept me awake at this hour?
I was down with viral gastroenteritis or stomach flu, that left me fatigue for two whole days. I puked a few times like a Merlion on the first day and on the second day I had to endure the effects of the viruses attacking my upper and lower gastrointestinal tract organs. But on the second nite, I had a knockout when Remy bought me Actifast for my fever and muscle aches, along with that, I took some medicines for my tummy and nausea. I slept like log then and woke up the next morning feeling way, way better. Phew! Thank God that was over.
So, I didn't really enjoy my birthday. But hey! Happy Birthday to me. I got another pretty bangle. Thanks! You should not have bought it because now I have to think of something to give you back. Oh well, I mustn't complain for I have more than 3 months of head start before your Bday.
Am anxiously waiting for another one of my "toys" to arrive. Yummy. Can't wait!
The kids are adjusting really well in school. I've just started my youngest boy on school busrides (to and fro) and he didn't even cry or needed me or Remy to accompany him on the first few busrides. He did fine on his own and he was more curious about whether the bus uses auto or manual gear. He is a pretty reasonable kid at only 4.
My Hunny bunny is coping well with studies. We are all just worried for her Math. Other than that, she's fine. She hates the fact that most of her friends are good in art (drawing) except her. I told her not to worry coz art is in her genes. Remy and I are capable in arts and crafts (does getting a B3 in art counts as good? no? lol).
Rubik cube has been on my mind lately. On our minds, Remy's and mine. After 33 years, I finally bothered to pick up and solve the Rubik's Cube in just a few minutes. Thanks to DAnBrown@Youtube for the demos and Remy for the further explanation. YEs!! ITs easy!
Ah... 6.30am. This is where I get off. Got some stuffs I got to do first before I get my quick shut-eye. I'll continue my jibber jabber another day. In the meantime, you be healthy.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Singapore Talk Scene
Location: At a famous fast-food restaurant.
Customer: I would to order a double cheeseburger meal.
Worker: Would you like to up 'sai' it?
Customer: (paused for a while) Err... no thanks. (with a smile)
Scene #2
Location: At a famous local fashion outlet.
Customer: Do you have bigger size for this blouse?
Worker: No. Here all free 'sai'. That side (pointing at another section of the store) got big 'sai'.
Customer: Oh...(hehe! thanks but no thanks!)
Scene #3
Location: At a well-known shoe store.
Customer: Excuse me, my son's feet cannot fit into this pair of shoes. Can you let him try another size?
Worker: Orr... you want big 'sai' is it? Wait, I 'chain'.
The word SIZE is usually mispronounced as 'sai' (which means SHIT in Hokkien).
Similarly, the word CHANGE is usually mispronounced as 'chain'.
Shinhwa - The Greatest Artist Shinhwa in 1998-2007
Friday, June 20, 2008
Remy Jr turned 4.
Why Oh Why?
OMO! Yahoo! Sg Auction (Y!SG Auct)down for so long. Why oh Why is this happening? So frustrating. It's one of my most frequented sites and where I do my online window shopping whenever I'm bored. How long must I wait?
The last item I bought from the auction was in May when I got a 2nd hand Shinhwa CD+VCD at only 6SGD(incl postage summore). So dirt cheap leh! Don't tell me to use eBay. Coz eBay SG sucks! Err...heee... I don't know lah. Never used it before but I've looked through the items available there, unlike Y!SG Auct, it's only lacking in variety. Like most Singaporeans, I'm more comfortable patronizing Y!SG Auct simply because I've won, lost auctions, managed to haggle over price of items(I so lor-sor rite? heee), bought and sold stuffs there since 2002!
It's been weeks now and the site is still not up yet. Even logging into Y! email has been problematic these days that I had to switch back to the old Y! Classic mode. Aigoo...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The island is super, uber nice. That's all I can say.
It amazes me that even my 7 and 4yr old couldn't resist but splashed into the deep waters of Redang with their lifejackets on, of course. They weren't used to using snorkelling masks, so, they kinda missed out on some beautiful underwater views.
It was a harrowing experience on board J8 Berjaya Air. The wornt-out looking plane does indeed served its purpose of getting us from point A to B. But not without the heart-stomping moments like when the plane hits the air pocket or when it shaked hard as it passed through the thick clouds area. Another interesting or should I say nerve-wrecking moment was went we were about to land on the Pulau Redang's short airstrip. The pilot did a sudden 'downwards-brake-like' jerk that caused us to be thrown forward for like 2secs. LOL! Inside the plane, all of us let out a nervous "Wooohhh!" Hahah. That was a bit scary but funny at the same time.
Next time round, we'll opt for the long bus and ferry ride to the island.
It rained heavily with thunder and lightning flashes the 2 nites we were there. At the sight of the glimmering sun, the rain quickly disappeared... Aahh...blissful.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Aahh...Two new songs from Kim Dong Wan's(KDW) latest jib like Bimil (Secret) and Honey really grows on me. Bimil sounds very electronica and has a very catchy tune. It also features SNSD's Tiffany's (Fany) voice. Talking about Fany, I detest her analogy of referring Hyesung's excellent vibrato to that of a goat's bleat. #%$%! She should have thought hard before opening her mouth to speak of her elders or sonbaes. I heard Hyesung was not the only one that fell prey to her unthoughtful remarks but different artistes/groups as well.
During the recent I Love Korea Dream Concert in Seoul, SNSD(All Girls Group)'s anti-fans(I estimate about 70% of the total attendance?) boycotted them by keeping silent throughout their performance on the Olympic Stadium's stage. A very akward moment for the girls on stage. It's a bit cruel punishment to SNSD as they are very young and immature but as the saying goes, one bad apple spoils the barrel. I hope SM Entertainment will better refine SNSD's PR skills. The videos are all over Youtube(YT). You can find them by typing the keywords(in bold above).
Anyways, back to KDW's; Honey is another up-tempo melody. Another collaboration with fellow Shinhwa member, Eric, whose rapping skills created a very fun and funky music altogether. I love these two songs only, at the moment. But I love KDW's first jib entirely!
My sister has been introducing me to TVXQ and I'm slowly allowing their music to permeate my auditory cortex which is currently swamped with Shinhwa/members stuffs. I still find it extremely hard to accept TVXQ's Purple Line's famous phrase : ... I really wanna touch myself... LOL! What the hell? I have taken a great liking to that song in particular but I cracked up whenever that phrase was mentioned. Shinhwa suffered the same fate too by having bad lyrics in some of their songs (the rap parts esp. Growl! at Eric because he created them.)
Andy and KDW's appearance on Music Bank is a pleasant surprise. They did a duet on each other's song. The chemistry between them has been great as always. Andy Lee is improving vocally and trying his level best not to sound pitchy, thus, the stiff presentation.
Andy & Kim Dong Wan Music Bank Special Stage Part 1(Andy's PROPOSE)
(Credit to SoGoodLah@YT for the clear vids)
Propose Lyrics
nolleo wa na-egero wa
eonjedeun nolleo wa
neoman gwaenchandamyeon nan hangsang choha
neol wihae biweodun
nae mameun eonjena hwaljjak neoreul hyanghae yeollyeo isseo (yo!)
kaseum beokchan i geurium
kaseum seolleneun kidarim
na-egero wa
every night
neoman saenggakhae maeil maeil (yo!)
eodijjeum ogo isseulkka (X2)
niga olkkabwa seolleneun
mameuro hangsang neol majung nawa isseo Oh~
nolleo wa na-egero wa
eonjedeun nolleo wa
neoman gwaenchandamyeon nan hangsang choha
neol wihae biweodun
nae mameun eonjena hwaljjak neol hyanghae yeollyeo isseo
nolleo wa na-egero wa
eonjedeun nolleo wa
ireun achimirado naneun choha
tanjameul kkaeweodo neoramyeon haengbokhae
hangsang ni kkumman kkuneun nanikka
My girl Say Say My girl
My girl Say My girl (yo!)
nawa dan duri georeulkka (X2)
georodo neowa hamkkeramyeon haengbokhae oh~
nolleo wa na-egero wa
eonjedeun nolleo wa
neoman gwaenchandamyeon nan hangsang choha
neol wihae biweodun
nae mameun eonjena hwaljjak neoreul hyanghae yeollyeo isseo
hwaryeohajin anhado eonjerado niga pyeonhi shwil su inneun kot paronaya
neol hyanghan nae sarangiya
nolleo wa na-egero wa
eonjedeun nolleo wa
neoman gwaenchandamyeon nan hangsang choha
neol wihae biweodun
nae mameun eonjena hwaljjak neol hyanghae yeollyeo isseo
nolleo wa na-egero wa
eonjedeun nolleo wa
ireun achimirado naneun choha
tanjameul kkaeweodo neoramyeon haengbokhae
hangsang ni kkumman kkuneun nanikka
eonjedeun gwaenchanha neoramyeon haengbokhae
hangsang naega kkumkkuneun neonikka (yo!)
Andy & Kim Dong Wan Music Bank Special Stage Part 2(KDW's Bimil)
Monday, June 2, 2008
What K-Drama?
I've purchased my first Shinhwa DVD from Yesasia and it's probably going to take more than a week for it to reach Singapore (this is the result of opting for free shipping. Otherwise, for a fee, the item could reach me within 3-days.) But I'm not in a rush so... This is my first e-buy from an overseas company, I hope that it's reliable. (Already paid US$35 for it. Ouch!)
Not being consistent in the K- language part, though. I've fully mastered script reading, writing and typing Hangul on the computer keyboard. Orally, I'm still weak at it. (Got some free cool Korean audio lessons downloaded from some torrent sites, yiipee!) But the ultimate one that I've yet to grasp is the sentence structure part.
For example, we normally say : I'm-going-to-school.
But in Korean, it's : to School-I-Go. (The verb is always placed last in the sentence.)
(in Malay, the term we use for this is 'terbalik kot' haha! Like mamak style.)
Mamak style : Itu-Sekolah-aku-pigi. (Lu cakap nie statement sambil goyang lu peh kepala.)
Will be leaving for Redang Island (Teregganu) on Saturday. Remy booked this 3D2N trip from the last NATAS fair. We will be staying at Berjaya Resort Redang, just at the Garden View chalet. Everyone in Remy's family will be going. (6Adults 3Kids) The kids are pretty excited about the beach and fishes. I'm worried about the flight on the tired-looking Dash-7 Berjaya Air plane( 4-propellers 48-seater). Due to an unfortunate prior flight experience, I now have phobia riding on anything that's suspended or hovers in air. I can easily go for ten rounds worth of Crazy-Monster-Rollercoaster rides but I get the jitters during a decent cable-car ride. Cuckoo rite?
Saturday, May 24, 2008

It's 1985. My mom bought a pair of rollerskates for me. I begged her to get them for me because I wanted so much to learn how to skate. So she bought me something similar to the picture you see above. It was a very el-cheapo and oldfashioned looking pair of skates. I taught myself to skate.
[[Fast-Foward ... 22 yrs later]]
Went inline skating with my sister today at a park near Mercu. We only have one pair, so we had to take turns to skate. Took me awhile to get adjusted to my sis's inline skates. I haven't skated in like 5-6yrs. Found out I could still skate well.
My only problem with skating is I do not know the proper braking techniques. I find the all skates' brake-pads to be very ineffective. When ever I used the brake-pads, I always lose my balance and ended-up either with a leg-split or myself lunging to the ground.
Stopping and Braking
Friday, May 23, 2008
Runner up Idol: David Archuleta
Credit: JohnJohnDow@youtube
Paula's dress inspired by Bret 'Hitman' Hart
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
Just want to say this - MP3 is bad. I'm guilty of owning about a thousand of such files, just for personal use of course. Because of tight budget, its not possible to buy every single album of the artists that I like out there. Aahhhh... but it's so easy to obtain them online (free summore!) I almost feel bad for the artists. But really, I do buy originals if there are a lot of good songs in one album. (trying to cover up to feel less guilty about downloading activities. hehe. Support our local artists and err... Shinhwa!)

Monday, May 5, 2008
He's at home alot these days. The school he goes to is having a ten-day voluntary closure to help break the HFMD transmission. Just yesterday he developed cough with blocked-nose and today a slight fever. Not HFMd! I checked his body thoroughly and no visible signs of rashes. He is very excited about June which is his birth month and can't wait to be 4 years old. He had once asked casually for a birthday party. Remy and I are not really into celebrating birthdays. So, I just told him that we'll get him a nice present in June. And of course, Hanny will want one too. He is getting better at verbal communication. This means, less whinning and throwing tantrums but more diplomatic when it comes to solving problems. We encouraged him to express his feelings verbally now that his vocab knowledge has been constantly increasing. At times, adamant about a particular topic, he turns opinionated that we reached a point of argumentative state. Cheh!! Haha. Not so seriously. Of course, I gave in most of the times but only after thoughtful consideration. But who can tahan such a cute, good looking little face like that begging at you and asking you for another bar of chocolate in the fridge! Bey tahan eh! Just give in lah. You chocolate freak! Computer games freak! Trains freak! Car-logos-brand-names Freak! Haha...I love you to death.
I worry about her. Her mid-year exams starts today. She is careless in her written work. So far, her performance in English far surpasses her performance in Math. That's because she reads more books than doing her Math practices. Math is all about practice and more practice. Tomorrow is her Math mid paper. She scored only 70plus for her practice paper which I believe was the last year's mid paper. We've tried tackling the Math problems over the weekend and we can only hope and pray for the best. Amin. InsyaAllah. 화이팅! She's also busy monitoring and playing dentist over her own loose baby teeth.
She hopes to wear a beautiful ball gown and nice little Cinderella-like heeled shoes. I said to her, you crazy izit? Where would you go dressed in something like that? Haha! I told her when you get married in 20yrs' time. (You will get to wear one.) Also told her we might do a family makeover photo shoot with her dressed in the ball gown(provided by the makeover studio company, of course) during one of the holidays. She's happy. That will do for the moment.
Ahh... I take so long to type out this blog. Almost 2 hours. I wanted to say something about my new Hyesung's Concert DVD. Got it from ShinhwaChangjo.net. It comes with 2 DVDs, a production booklet with pictures, and a poster( which I don't really need). It's worth the buy! All 260mins of it. I'm looking forward to the 2007 Shinhwa Japan Concert DVD(or 2008 final concert). Now, one more to add on my wishlist. *Hint*