He's at home alot these days. The school he goes to is having a ten-day voluntary closure to help break the HFMD transmission. Just yesterday he developed cough with blocked-nose and today a slight fever. Not HFMd! I checked his body thoroughly and no visible signs of rashes. He is very excited about June which is his birth month and can't wait to be 4 years old. He had once asked casually for a birthday party. Remy and I are not really into celebrating birthdays. So, I just told him that we'll get him a nice present in June. And of course, Hanny will want one too. He is getting better at verbal communication. This means, less whinning and throwing tantrums but more diplomatic when it comes to solving problems. We encouraged him to express his feelings verbally now that his vocab knowledge has been constantly increasing. At times, adamant about a particular topic, he turns opinionated that we reached a point of argumentative state. Cheh!! Haha. Not so seriously. Of course, I gave in most of the times but only after thoughtful consideration. But who can tahan such a cute, good looking little face like that begging at you and asking you for another bar of chocolate in the fridge! Bey tahan eh! Just give in lah. You chocolate freak! Computer games freak! Trains freak! Car-logos-brand-names Freak! Haha...I love you to death.
I worry about her. Her mid-year exams starts today. She is careless in her written work. So far, her performance in English far surpasses her performance in Math. That's because she reads more books than doing her Math practices. Math is all about practice and more practice. Tomorrow is her Math mid paper. She scored only 70plus for her practice paper which I believe was the last year's mid paper. We've tried tackling the Math problems over the weekend and we can only hope and pray for the best. Amin. InsyaAllah. 화이팅! She's also busy monitoring and playing dentist over her own loose baby teeth.
She hopes to wear a beautiful ball gown and nice little Cinderella-like heeled shoes. I said to her, you crazy izit? Where would you go dressed in something like that? Haha! I told her when you get married in 20yrs' time. (You will get to wear one.) Also told her we might do a family makeover photo shoot with her dressed in the ball gown(provided by the makeover studio company, of course) during one of the holidays. She's happy. That will do for the moment.
Ahh... I take so long to type out this blog. Almost 2 hours. I wanted to say something about my new Hyesung's Concert DVD. Got it from ShinhwaChangjo.net. It comes with 2 DVDs, a production booklet with pictures, and a poster( which I don't really need). It's worth the buy! All 260mins of it. I'm looking forward to the 2007 Shinhwa Japan Concert DVD(or 2008 final concert). Now, one more to add on my wishlist. *Hint*